Friday, April 22, 2011

The Truth - Why NASA Has Never Returned To The Moon

I have never been one that thought we never went to the moon and that it was all a hoax. As a little kid in Florida I saw the massive Saturn 1V's launch. They were so big and powerful there was no doubt they could make it to the moon, and then some. We went to the moon folks. There is no doubt about that.

What there is doubt about is what they discovered when they where there. What is of particular interest is the discoveries made on the dark side of the moon. That is the side that we never see because one side faces us at all times.

NASA images show that on the dark side of the moon Apollo astronauts photographed interesting structures that now can be determined to be man made. That may have not been apparent at the time, but it is now considered to be a fact among UFO researchers on the lunar landing.

Is this a natural formation in this crater?
The image above looks like a foundation to a structure that was not caused by wind or erosion (there would be none on the moon). This could be what is left of an ancient alien building.

Is this an antenna?
Watch this video if you want to know why after nearly 50 years we have not returned to the moon and why Obama has no plans to allocate money for any future mission in the next 30 years. What? A century without any moon missions? Something is wrong with this.

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