Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chemtrails Seen Over Tampa

Cell phone image of Chemtrails. You can see downtown Tampa
I am not a big Chemtrail advocate but what I saw Monday over Tampa Florida was bizarre. There were high altitude commercial planes flying over Tampa from all directions. None of them could have taken off from Tampa International Airport. They all were headed out over the Gulf Of Mexico and I could only wonder where they took off from and why so many of them and why they were so close to each other. They even seemed to be in formation!

The theory is that is chemical mind control or perhaps a governmental inoculation campaign to protect American citizens in case of biological or chemical terrorism. That would seem logical, and may explain the Chemtrail phenomena. It would also require many people to be in on the operation. These type of images are showing up all over the United States. I don't know if they are being seen over other countries.

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